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(#068 from Suffer Well Devotional Series©)

In REPENTANCE and REST is your salvation; in QUIETNESS and TRUST is your strength, but you would HAVE NONE OF IT [v.15]… Yet Yahweh v to be gracious to you; He rises to show you compassion. For Yahweh is the Mighty One of justice. Blessed are those who wait for Him [v. 18]. (Read Isaiah 30:15-18)


1. REPENTANCE: Repent and ask forgiveness for doubting His provision in all things, and for trusting yourself and man.

2. REST: Rest and believe that the battle is always Yahweh’s, and do not strive, but rest in Him through faith.

3. QUIETNESS: If it is Yahweh who saves, then your boasting of self or anything other than Him is in vain. Humility and a quieted soul should be the fruit you offer Him. So, hush.

4. TRUST: Trust by putting your faith into action. This would be demonstrated by doing nothing out of fear of or faith in man.

Yes, the child who walks in repentance, rest, quietness, and trust may wait for Him in eager expectation. Surely goodness and mercy will follow the one who does these things (Psalm 23:6). Certainly you will be able to remind the Father that your faithfulness warrants your blessings to come. “Blessed are those who wait for Him.”

David said it best Abba, and today I long to mimic his words to You; “Surely I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with his mother; like a weaned child is my soul within me.” (Psalm 131:2)

Pray about this and listen. Do it over and over. Never cease.

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