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(#072 from Suffer Well Devotional Series©)

“So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” (Luke 11:9)

Do you understand the “you” and the “ask, seek and knock” of My command? Do you see the choice, the pattern of having to choose? The “and,” the “ask and; seek and; knock and” proves that effort is required. The “you” brings to light that no one can do it for you, not Abraham; not Moses; not Paul; only you. This command reveals many mysteries.

He can be found. Yes, He may even hide at times. Perhaps He’s playing hide and seek with you. Perhaps He even disappears for a while, on purpose. Consider, again, from yesterday’s devotion, Lamentations 3:7-8:

He has walled me in so I cannot escape;
He placed heavy chains on me.
Indeed, when I cry out, calling for help,
He shuts out my prayer.

He hides at times because He intends to elicit effort from His children. No effort, no revelation. You get it? The doubt; the fear; the wondering: it’s all in your head! Do you want to be healed? He is the cure for all dis-ease. Do you want to fly? He is the answer for all of your hopes and dreams.

Yes, much like the little children playing the game called “hot or cold,” you must ask, seek, and knock to find what you are looking for. His Spirit is calling out to you. Can you hear the whisper? “You’re getting cold; change directions.” “Now you’re getting warmer,” the Spirit beckons. “Hot, you’re getting hot,” your senses are now alive with anticipation!

No doubt, He is here to help, but you must provide the effort. He must see your desire to find Him and all He has for you. Staying lukewarm will not end well (Revelation 3:16). Won’t you be hot for Him? Will the words of Paul be the banner over your life? “To live [capture the holy mindset] is Messiah, and to die [let go of all ‘self’ ambition] is gain.” (Philippians 1:21) He is waiting.

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